Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cutting Cords to Toxic Relationships

The world is full of unhealthy relationships. In these relationships, individuals cling to one another allowing cord attachments to occur between them. Seldom is the sharing done equally. Actually if the energy sharing was done equally it would be silly to have the cord in place at all. It is possible to be in a relationship without cording one another, in fact it is preferable. Couples that share one life source ordinarily create a relationship in which one individual becomes weaker, the other stronger. The weakened person feels collapsed because of giving away his/her life source. The stronger person feels great for a time, but his/her appetite may very well increase, craving more and more of the shared energy.

Painful Breakups

There are different types of situations we face in life that are difficult. Ending relationships ranks pretty high up in the "tough stuff" category. It doesn't matter if you were the person who walked away or if someone else left you, a loss is felt either way. It is especially painful if a relationship ends without closure. Unfortunately, often times when people "breakup" what they don't realize is that they may very well still have cords attached. The intact cord keeps an open channel for continuous feeding on each others emotions and anxieties.

Experiencing pain from an estranged relationship or troubled marriage? Try either the bridge visualization or infinity exercise to gently release the cord attachment to free yourself of continued feelings of sadness or separation.
  • Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair
  • Slam the Door on Psychic Vampires
  • Cutting the Apron Strings
  • Bridge Visualization

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